
Mooring Lines: Staying Anchored when Life Gets Stormy

Everything about the day was perfect.

boat and ropeWe do not get many perfectly sunny days in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin but this one was awesome. The rare sunshine and warm breeze only made the prospect of renting a boat all the more exciting. My in-laws were in town and we were eager to show off the gem of our hometown.

I was loving every minute of the boat ride, and then, it happened. The engine died. We called for help but were miles away from our initial dock. The wind seemed to pick up ever so slightly and we began drifting. Drifting in a boat that was not ours towards some very expensive looking anchored sailboats.

If we missed them we would beach the boat, probably violently on the shore. Then things got worse as we realized the boat did not come with an anchor.

Mooring lines are the ropes that attach a boat to the anchor or dock. In our lives, they are the things that keep us connected, centered, and prevent drifting. Drifting can be subtle and we don’t always know that it has started until we find ourselves back in unhealthy spirals.

What are your mooring lines? What keeps you centered? What worked for you before when you were practicing good self-care? It’s easy to let good habits die when life gets busy or stressful or when we are grieving. Do you feel like you’re drifting? Check your mooring lines.

Thankfully, or so I thought, another boat came to our rescue. The best defense that I have for our would be heroes is that they were drinking. Because when we threw them our line and asked them to tow us away from the sailboats, the guy in the back responded by…wait for it, wrapping the rope around his arm and telling his captain to kick it.

Luckily, no boaters were hurt in the making of this story, but one, fully clothed boater, got very wet.

It is great to have good habits in place, but what are you anchored to? Are you working hard based on a belief that you’re not good enough? Exercising and eating right, because you’re not thin enough? Or do your habits connect you with truth – a solid anchor of unconditional love and acceptance found in the deep truth that you were created with priceless value.

What centers you with truth and helps you brave the waves?

Thankfully, the boating company did arrive in time and were able to fix our boat and bring us safely back to our dock. A great adventure had by all.

To recap:

Check your anchor. Are you striving to appease a false belief?

Check your mooring lines. What used to keep you steady that you’ve stopped doing? Are you drifting?

It’s ok to call for help. We’re here if you need us and would be honored to come alongside you.

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Bridgelight offers compassionate, professional counseling in Lake Geneva, WI. Contact us to learn more about in group or individual counseling.

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